Make Your Nashville Home Easier To Live In With A New Residential Elevator

When an illness, injury, or disability leaves you (or a loved one) unexpectedly less mobile or using a wheelchair, you gain an understanding of how difficult it is to manage getting from point A to point B within your residence. With no elevator or other accessibility device, you’d be unable to move from one floor to another floor. Obviously, that's no long-term solution.

As a homeowner in greater Nashville who needs to make a home more accessible for yourself, a relative, or an upcoming visitor, rest assured that the Transitions Lift + Elevator team has years of experience helping people with residential elevator installation, service, and customizations.

Why Install an Elevator in Your Home?

Aging residents who find it difficult or painful to walk up or down stairs will appreciate the convenience of a residential elevator. Those who would benefit from a wheelchair, a walker, or a cane to help them move about will be relieved to use one of these durable, safe, and secure elevators.

Installing an elevator means you can continue using your home as it was intended. Upstairs and basement areas are available again. Plus, when you can transport your own packages and groceries while using a wheelchair inside the elevator, you will enjoy a greater measure of independence.

Selecting a Standard or a Customized Residential Elevator

The floor plan of your home may not leave you much space for installing a new elevator. Our team can quickly determine if a standard size residential elevator will meet your needs, or if a customized solution is in order.

Residential Elevators We Install

Rely on Transitions Lift + Elevator for Home Elevator Installation and Service

As a leading residential elevator company in Nashville, we view our relationship with you, the customer, for the long term. You can rely on us to customize an elevator, as needed; as well as to provide you with ongoing maintenance to ensure it gives you years of service. Our residential elevator repair team can quickly determine the nature of a mechanical problem so we can fix it and restore full access to your abode.

To learn more about our approach to home elevator selection and installation or to go over your options, please contact us online or call us toll free at 1-877-341-3555 or locally at (615) 649-8483 today.


Elevator & Lift Installation & Service Professionals

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